
Department of Electrical Engg., Government College of Engineering Nagpur

Departmental Vision-Mission


Achieving Academic Excellence for producing Electrical and Power System Engineers with global acceptability


        To provide academic and research environment of utmost standards for pursuing education in Electrical Engineering and Power Systems

        To carry out continually updating teaching learning processes in Electrical Engineering

        To establish a strong relationship between industries and Electrical Engineering Department for need based knowledge sharing

        To inculcate sense of discipline and moral ethics amongst the students


Departmental Goals

Short Term Goals:

        To provide basic lab infrastructure to the students  (SA)

        To provide teaching learning environment with basic needs (SB)

        To intuit  the confidence of acquiring good quality engineering education(SC) 

        To strengthen the self learning capability amongst the students (SD)

Medium Term Goals:

        To enrich the departmental infrastructure with high end classroom and lab facilities(MA)

        To establish the departmental setup for using these facilities 24x7 (MB)

        To inculcate innovation amongst the students (MC)

        To prepare the Department for NBA (MD)

        To get accreditation from NBA (ME)

        To start PG courses (MF)

Long Term Goals:

        To establish Centre of Excellence (LA)

        To establish research centre for PhD (LB)

        To acquire ISO certification (LC)

        To be the best department in RTM Nagpur University Nagpur (LD)